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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just take what you need for the day

My kids love to go to buffets.  
Me? Not so much- but that’s another story. 

I guess there’s something inviting about being able to get as much as you want-of anything you want.  There’s certainly no danger of still being hungry when you leave.  In fact, there’s a high probability that all 4 of us leave buffets completely miserable!  I’m always telling my children the same thing my parents and grandparents told me...

“Take what you want...but eat what you take!”

Couldn’t help but think about that this morning as I am reading about the Israelites in Exodus 16.  Growing up, I always thought this story was kinda weird.  Raining bread?  Really?  Strange.  

The Israelites set out from Elim-a place with plenty of fresh water, cattle and shade... to the Desert of Sin-a place of desolation.  They were very hungry.  In fact, they were grumbling that God should’ve just let them die previously, while in Elim-their place of comfort.  Not lead them to the desert to starve to death.  

How quickly they jumped to conclusions about God.  Accusing Him of leading them to a place of great need as though He had completely deserted them and ignored their critical circumstances. (in spite of His caring for them time and time again)  

But, oh how we’re guilty of the same thing.  As soon as we find ourselves removed from our comfortable place and “lead” to the desert, we question God’s presence and His love for us.  Maybe our actions lead us there.  Maybe God, indeed, lead us there.  We are all on a journey.  This journey will sometimes lead us to an “Elim” and sometimes will lead us to “deserts of sin.” This life will be made up of both.  

Just like when the Israelites got to this barren place, all they could see was the desert.  No means of relief.  No food.

We feel the same.  Sometimes things look bleak.

We question.  We complain.  We doubt.  We cry out.

As we size up our circumstances, we conclude that there’s no possible solution or relief in sight.  Just as we’re about to give up... the heavens open up and it starts to rain.  MANNA!

Just what is manna?  
Webster's tell us it's the spiritual nourishment of divine origin; Something of value that a person receives unexpectedly.

Yes, we too,  have forgotten.  Or perhaps we have never experienced God’s POWER!
He is limitless.  
And most of all present. 

As the manna is falling and the ground is being covered, God tells Moses to tell the Israelites...”The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day and that day only.  Except on the sixth day...and then they are to gather enough for two days.” (The seventh day was created for rest.) (Exodus 16:4-7)

When we acknowledge God’s presence and invite Him into our circumstances-big and small-He showers down manna in miraculous ways.  Ways we could not even begin to imagine.  

He is inviting you, “Come take what you need for this day... I am faithful and will rain down more tomorrow!”  

Some trusted.  Some were skeptical and took enough for the next day as well.  But as they went to their stash the next morning, they found it spoiled and full of maggots.

Why?  Does He not want to give to us freely and abundantly?  

Oh no.  It all belongs to Him.  He could give us enough to last for 10 lifetimes.  But in all His wisdom, He knows that more important than the quantity of manna, is the absolute necessity of our relying on Him on a daily basis.  There will be no confusion of self reliance.  Our reliance becomes solely on He who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine in all our circumstances.  (Ephesians 3:20)

Is the land of plenty more comfortable?  
You bet.  
But perhaps, we miss out on some of His most amazing manna.

The cool thing about this story is that when Moses told everyone that God ordered that they only take enough for the day and no more...for those that were obedient, (although some took more than others) it was the perfect amount for each of them.  (Exodus 16:17)

So, some of us may need more.   Others, not as much.  But as long as we are coming to Him daily, it is always the perfect amount.  Not too much.  Not too little.  That, my friends, is how our almighty God works.  

He knows what you need.
He knows how much you need.

Will you go to Him as you find yourself in the desert and depleted?  
Let Him fill you in a way that only He can!

It’s sometimes hard to take that first step of complete trust and reliance on Him. 
But my friend, when you begin to see the amazing ways He rains down manna in your life, you will come not only to trust Him...but excited to see exactly how and when the manna comes!

And you start to recognize that just maybe the desert IS a place of plenty....

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Where was God yesterday?

It's a question few have asked audibly, but perhaps a lot have asked silently.

In light of yesterday's tragedy, we are all left in a place of numbness, sadness, unbelief, and doubt.  Why do such horrific things take place in this world?  It's a question that is obviously bigger than any of us.  There is no way, in our limited capacities, we could explain or even understand such an enormous question.  I have wished many times there were a logical explanation.  But as I spend time in God's presence this morning, I am reminded of a few things.

These senseless tragedies are not new to our world.  The evil acts of men have been taking place since the beginning of time.  King Herod ordered for all boys in Bethlehem under the age of 2 be killed in an attempt to find and kill Jesus.  (Matthew 2) There are countless horrific acts of violence throughout the bible that show us that the evil actions of men have been prevalent since the beginning of time. 

In no way does this minimize the lives of the children that were taken yesterday.  I am just reminded that God is not taken off guard or surprised by man's heinous capability of such evil acts.

This world continues to be a place that insists on turning away from God and His love for us.  Since the garden of Eden, we have insisted on doing it our way.  He loved us enough to give us  free will and choice--not as robots programmed to love only Him.  As a result, we see consequences daily of the sinful nature of man.  Surely He is deeply saddened at the choices we have made...especially when they are choices that manifest in things like yesterday's tragedy.  He created us knowing that not everyone would choose Him and knew from the beginning that we were not capable of living holy lives.  And that is why He willingly gave His most precious possesion-His son-to provide the necessary sacrifice to make it possible for anyone that CHOOSES to accept this precious gift to spend eternity in His holy and blameless presence.  That is love like no other.  Don't miss the deep meaning of those words and skim over them in familiarity.  It is THE ONE and ONLY hope we have in this dark world. 

There IS an adversary at work on this earth and at times appears to be winning.  He is the same one who wants to convince us that we know best and causes us to doubt God's sovereignty. But rest assured, his presence and influence are temporary.  God has promised to come back and take control and return His original creation to it's perfect state.  He will weed out the evil and perfection will once again reign forever.  Don't fall prey to the disguises and doubts of the evil one. 


Our priority must be to spend time in His presence daily to allow His character and goodness to seep into our hearts and souls.  It is our only hope to survive in this unsure world.  It is the only way we can go to sleep each night with confidence, knowing that He who spoke this world into existence, is indeed in control and will have the last word.  In the mean time, we must trust and believe in His perfect love for us and in His goodness,  He will indeed weave meaning into the fabric of our lives, so that none of these heartbreaking tragedies will be in vain.

I pray for all of those affected, not only by the senseless tragedy yesterday, but in so many others that take place daily.  That they would feel His comfort and peace in their lives until they are with their loved ones again. 


I do not pretend to understand the immense pain and uncertainty that we all feel.  I only offer the HOPE that He has extended to me and to all of us.  


Where is God?  He is in our midst.

We are experiencing the miracle of His birth right now.  The greatest gift ever given.  Let us all make a special effort in the middle of the season's chaos,  to sit quietly in His presence and allow His love to shine upon us.  We, like the wise men, can find our way in the darkness by following the light that is before us. 


Thursday, November 22, 2012

I wanna be one out of ten...

I'm thankful that there is a day set aside to really focus on the blessings in our lives.  I'm afraid that if there weren't a designated day, we would continue being distracted with the day-to-day frenzy and forget to take time to really focus on all that we have to be thankful for. 

Sometimes this is a pretty simple task.  When things are rolling along smoothly, being thankful is usually an automatic response.  The real challenge is when things are, at first glance, discouraging, bleak, and sometimes seemingly hopeless. These times prove to be difficult-if not impossible-in responding with praise and thanksgiving.

I think of life as a tapestry.  If you look on the back of any tapestry, it is a mess!  The threads are jumbled up, knots everywhere, and absolutely makes no sense.  But as you keep working and allow some time to pass, you turn it over and you're amazed.  All of the mistakes made, knots, and do-overs have been made into a beautiful piece of work.

We're spending Thanksgiving at the beach with Dana's mom and my family.  Last night, we attended a Thanksgiving service at my mother-in-law's church.  He spoke on Luke 17:11-19 and some things really jumped out to me...

This is the passage when Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem and as He approached a village at the border of Samaria and Galilee, there were 10 men with leprosy. 

Now take a minute to imagine what that would've been like.  You have spent your life with a label of being 'unclean.' You are not allowed to be around anyone for fear of spreading this dreadful disease.  You have lived a life of loneliness and endured looks of disgust and stares from others, and had to live with painful sores.  All you want, is to have the chance to live a normal life and experience a life being in the presence of those you care about.

They gather enough courage, as a group, to wait for Jesus and they cry out to Him (from a distance)..."Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"  Jesus saw them and said, "Go show yourselves to the priests." 

And as they went, they were cleansed.

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back praising God in a loud voice.  He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked Him--and he was a Samaritan.

Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed?  Where are the other nine?  Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?"  Then He said to him, "Rise and go, your faith has made you well."

A lot of times when we cry out and pray for something in our lives, we have a certain 'answer' that we're wanting and expecting.  I'm sure these men were expecting/wanting Jesus to heal them on the spot. 

I know I do. 

But Jesus said, "Go show yourselves to the priests."

Umm...excuse me, Jesus.  Ugh, how is that going to heal me?

But in this passage, they didn't question if they heard Him right or even question Jesus' answer.  It says...as they went, they were healed.  Not the other way around.  That speaks loudly to me.  How many times have I expected healing and when it didn't immediately happen, I become discouraged or maybe even bitter and assume that God didn't answer my prayer.  How premature of me!  When all He wanted was for me to obey (even when I don't understand) and then the healing comes. 

The other thing that jumped out at me was that one--ONE--leper was so filled with gratitude and thanksgiving that he returned to Jesus and fell at His feet.  The other nine went on their way. 

Did it keep Jesus from healing all of them? (surely He knew this would be their response.)  NO.

But did it hurt Him?  I believe His response shows that.

We are all those lepers when it gets down to it.  We are all in need of His healing in our lives.  The sores may not be visible to others but they're there.  The questions are:

Will we ask for His healing?
Will we question His timing, His answer, His response prematurely?
Will we be the ONE that is so overwhelmingly thankful, the ONLY response we can possibly have is to return to Jesus' feet with praise and a grateful heart?

I think nothing would make Him happier...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fancy sequins or comfy sweats?

You know, I think my husband is the best lookin’ thing around!  I know this statement would really embarrass him.  But it’s true.  And sometimes, I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, how wonderful, loyal, patient, strong, smart, patient, cute, and fun he is! And did I mention patient?! 

He is the best dad…he encourages Luke and Allie, spends time with them, talks with them, teaches them, hugs them, tells them how proud he is and how very much he loves them.  I tell ya…the longer I spend with this man, the more I love him.  No kidding. (Although, I may have to take partial credit for this.  His wardrobe ain’t the only thing I helped him with over the years!)

And yes, at first glance, perhaps there are those who may disagree.  I can’t imagine who…but I’m sure it’s a possibility.

Maybe they see someone who is a bit extreme in some things.  A bit conservative in others.  Perhaps a bit over-the-top.  But you know what I would say to them??
You don’t know him like I do. 

I have seen him in all types of circumstances.  I've spent time with him and see his heart on a daily basis.  I know his intentions.  He loves us more than life itself.  I know, without a shadow of a doubt, he would lay his life down for us.  Without question. 

Is he perfect? 
Does he always get it right?
But does he want the very best for us?

You know, my relationship with God has some similarities.  At first glance, have been one of those people who have been known to make judgments on who I think He is.  Possibly because of the way someone else portrayed Him to me.  Maybe because of my hasty assumptions.  And sometimes just because of my stubborn opinions. 

But the more I spend time in the Lord’s presence, the more I see His heart.  His desires.  His love for me.  His direction for my life.
The more intimate my relationship with Him becomes, the more I find myself wanting to stand up and scream the same things about HIM…
He’s awesome! 
He’s amazing!
He’s patient, kind, empathetic, sincere, loving, forgiving, full of grace and compassion! 

He sees my heart and my heart’s intentions and He loves me like no other.  Not only would He lay down His life for me,  (and you) He did something far greater.  He sent His son to live with us, dwell among us, teach us…and yes, to die for us.  He absolutely wants the best for you!  Why else would He have done that?

There are a couple of obvious differences between God and Dana, however…

Is God perfect?
Does HE always get it right?

You see, I’ve learned, that my relationship with God is not like  some fancy, sequin gown to save and bring out for just the right occasion…then carefully put up til the next suitable occasion rolls around.  That would prove to be uncomfortable and somewhat awkward and ill fitting.

Conversely, He wants our relationship with Him to be like our favorite sweats we put on everyday.  He wants you to reach for Him first.  In every situation. He wants a relationship with you that’s comfortable. Reliable. Trustworthy.

But to have this kind of relationship, you have to ‘wear’ Him daily.  We can’t just put Him out of the way and reach for Him when we need Him and on special occasions…or even just Sundays.
Don’t get me wrong, even if you do this, He’ll be there.  He always is and always will be.  But it just won’t prove to have the same kind of comfortable, familiar feel to it. 

I don’t want to minimize who He is.  He is a mighty God who created this vast universe and beyond.  One whose ways are infinitely higher than yours or mine.  He is the beginning and the end. 

And that is exactly why it is so amazing to me that He wants to be our comfort, peace and perspective daily!

So what’d ya think?!  Let’s go put on our sweats!  

Friday, October 12, 2012

Juicy Fruit and butter sandwiches

There are so many ways to express love to those you care about.  The older I get, the more I understand it's not the extravagant gifts that speak the loudest.  It's the consistent, small gestures that speak volumes and will be remembered. 

"Hazie" (as my grandmother was affectionately called) was one of the most generous people I know. The funny thing is she was always apologizing that she didn't have more to give.  "It's not much," she would always say..."but I hope you know how much love is in it."   

She reminds me of the lady in Luke 21:1-4...

As He looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. "I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."

My most vivid memories of her include juicy fruit gum (she would gladly give you her last piece or pack), butter sandwiches (a Hazie delicacy), and she always wanted you to sit on her lap (even at 35) and sing Jesus loves the little children or Praise Him, Praise Him. She was precious. She always greeted you in a shrill "hey huneyyy!"  As much as we have tried over the years to imitate that greeting, no one can do it like Hazie. 

She loved to fix dinner for her family...which included her famous fried chicken (or country fried steak), green beans, macaroni and cheese, rice/gravy, potato salad, stuffed celery, deviled eggs and tea that was so sweet that one of my ex boyfriends (who happened to be diabetic) claimed it could put you in a coma!  Some of my sweet cousins are vegetarian and Hazie just couldn't understand why they wouldn't have just 1 piece of fried chicken! When we were full as a tick...out came her famous carrot cake!  Even in her last days, she was planning the menu for our next family gathering.

Guess I don't have to tell you what is on our menu for our meal tomorrow after her funeral!

She never missed a grandchild's birthday- which was a meaningful card with $2-$5 in it...along with apologies that it couldn't be more.

One thing I hold dear to my heart is anytime I had the opportunity to spend the night with Hazie, I would always fall asleep hearing her in the other room praying.  Sometimes I would listen for 20-30 minutes before one of us would finally drift off.

Precious memories.
A generous soul.
A sweet spirit.

Hazie....you couldn't have given us anything more valuable than these!  And today...I believe, for the first time in your life, you will finally get to see the amazing worth of your life and the gifts you gave so freely. Your love for your family and your God will live on for generations.

I am more convinced than ever, that when we are taking our last breaths on this earth, that is all that truly matters.  Your faith and your family. 

We will miss you, Hazie!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pruning Season

I love fall. Leaves are turning. The air is cooler.  It makes me want to sit in a rocker and enjoy a hot cup coffee in my sweats. Ahhhh...

I don't think I could ever live somewhere I couldn't enjoy the seasons. I am rejuvenated with the changes in temperature, activities, and beauty each season brings.

I am learning to embrace the seasons of life, as well. As I look back, I have been guilty of anticipating the next season and the changes I thought would accompany it.

And now I have to guard myself against longing for a prior season, as I see clearly how quickly life is passing by.

Dana and I usually trim our trees after the leaves have fallen and the bare branches are exposed. You can clearly see the weak branches that need to be cut off and the healthy ones that need to be pruned. 

I used to think this was completely unnecessary.  I thought, "these trees look fine just like they are." Why trim them back?  It looks so...bare. 

But it doesn't take long to see just how beneficial and necessary this really is. When left unpruned they were out of shape, unhealthy looking and basically out of control.

As I looked up the definition and reason for pruning a tree, it resonated with me.

The main reasons for pruning ornamental and shade trees include safety, health, and aesthetics. In addition, pruning can be used to stimulate fruit production and increase the value of timber.

I'm learning more and more that my life is a branch in this tree of life.  I can add to or take away from it's beauty.  Will I allow myself to be cut back in order to be made stronger and more bountiful?  Will I live realizing that I am nothing without the nutrients of the vine?  I can try all I want to produce fruit on my own. But that's about as effective as trying my best to have blue eyes. It ain't happenin'.  For all I can do is remain in Him and He in me...and that is when the fruit will come.

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful...  Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." ~ John 15:1-4

I have decided in my life, I don't want to leave my tree as is. Sure it looks ok, but when left in the hands of the master Gardner, it will be perfectly shaped and plentiful.  For that is His will for my life.  And yours. Not only to acquire and enjoy the fruit for ourselves...but so others may enjoy as they cross our path. How, you ask?

Spend time with Him.
Get to know Him.
Realize you are loved by Him.
Grow in Him.

The Living Water will fertilize your life in amazing ways.

Life is short. Change is hard. Pruning is sometimes painful. But the rewards will be GREAT!

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves as my disciples.  ~John 15:8

Thank you, Lord, for beautiful seasons.

Seasons of life. Seasons of change. Seasons of harvest.
May they all be glorifying to You!


Saturday, September 15, 2012

He is the LIGHT of the world

Allie running Cross Country~2012

As I have looked at this picture over and over, my heart is full of emotion.  This is typically when I sit down and write.  But as I try to express my thoughts this morning, adequate words just aren't coming. I guess it's a perfect example of a picture being worth a thousand words. 

What a vivid illustration of His presence in our lives!  He is always there.

Even when you're just going about your daily routine, He is there.
Even when you don't feel Him, He is there. 

Just because you don't see Him, He is there.

If you are saying..."maybe for other people, but not for me."  You are wrong.  His presence is promised to anyone who trusts in Him and accepts Him as the perfect gift that was given for you. (John 3:16)

The precious thing about this picture is that it was a gift.  A gift for Allie.  She came to me earlier in the week and shared something on her heart.  She had prayed about it and asked God to show Himself to her so she would know her prayer had been heard.  This is what He gave to her.  As if that were not enough, I shared with Allie my devotion the morning after this picture had been taken...

"Worship Me by living close to Me.  This was My original design for man, into whom I breathed My very breath of Life.  This is my desire for you: that you stay near Me as you walk along your life-path.  Each day is an important part of that journey.  Although you may feel as if you are going nowhere in this world, your spiritual journey is another matter altogether, taking you along steep, treacherous paths of adventure.  That is why walking in the Light of My Presence is essential to keep you from stumbling.  By staying close to Me, you present yourself as a living sacrifice.  Even the most routine part of your day can be a spiritual act of worship, holy and pleasing to Me."

You see these words spoke directly to her heart.  This picture was taken on the cross- country trail at school and is known for being one of the most difficult middle school trails in the county and has more than one very steep, treacherous hill.  These words could not have been more perfect for her.  He always meets us right where we are.

Thank you, Allie, for allowing me to share this.  And thank you, Lord, for your amazingly perfect gifts in our lives. Your presence is the best gift we could receive.

"I am the Light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." ~John 8:12
