My kids love to go to buffets.
Me? Not so much- but that’s another story.
I guess there’s something inviting about being able to get as much as you want-of anything you want. There’s certainly no danger of still being hungry when you leave. In fact, there’s a high probability that all 4 of us leave buffets completely miserable! I’m always telling my children the same thing my parents and grandparents told me...
“Take what you want...but eat what you take!”
Couldn’t help but think about that this morning as I am reading about the Israelites in Exodus 16. Growing up, I always thought this story was kinda weird. Raining bread? Really? Strange.
The Israelites set out from Elim-a place with plenty of fresh water, cattle and shade... to the Desert of Sin-a place of desolation. They were very hungry. In fact, they were grumbling that God should’ve just let them die previously, while in Elim-their place of comfort. Not lead them to the desert to starve to death.
How quickly they jumped to conclusions about God. Accusing Him of leading them to a place of great need as though He had completely deserted them and ignored their critical circumstances. (in spite of His caring for them time and time again)
But, oh how we’re guilty of the same thing. As soon as we find ourselves removed from our comfortable place and “lead” to the desert, we question God’s presence and His love for us. Maybe our actions lead us there. Maybe God, indeed, lead us there. We are all on a journey. This journey will sometimes lead us to an “Elim” and sometimes will lead us to “deserts of sin.” This life will be made up of both.
Just like when the Israelites got to this barren place, all they could see was the desert. No means of relief. No food.
We feel the same. Sometimes things look bleak.
We question. We complain. We doubt. We cry out.
As we size up our circumstances, we conclude that there’s no possible solution or relief in sight. Just as we’re about to give up... the heavens open up and it starts to rain. MANNA!
Just what is manna?
Webster's tell us it's the spiritual nourishment of divine origin; Something of value that a person receives unexpectedly.
Yes, we too, have forgotten. Or perhaps we have never experienced God’s POWER!
He is limitless.
And most of all present.
As the manna is falling and the ground is being covered, God tells Moses to tell the Israelites...”The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day and that day only. Except on the sixth day...and then they are to gather enough for two days.” (The seventh day was created for rest.) (Exodus 16:4-7)
When we acknowledge God’s presence and invite Him into our circumstances-big and small-He showers down manna in miraculous ways. Ways we could not even begin to imagine.
He is inviting you, “Come take what you need for this day... I am faithful and will rain down more tomorrow!”
Some trusted. Some were skeptical and took enough for the next day as well. But as they went to their stash the next morning, they found it spoiled and full of maggots.
Why? Does He not want to give to us freely and abundantly?
Oh no. It all belongs to Him. He could give us enough to last for 10 lifetimes. But in all His wisdom, He knows that more important than the quantity of manna, is the absolute necessity of our relying on Him on a daily basis. There will be no confusion of self reliance. Our reliance becomes solely on He who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine in all our circumstances. (Ephesians 3:20)
Is the land of plenty more comfortable?
You bet.
But perhaps, we miss out on some of His most amazing manna.
The cool thing about this story is that when Moses told everyone that God ordered that they only take enough for the day and no more...for those that were obedient, (although some took more than others) it was the perfect amount for each of them. (Exodus 16:17)
So, some of us may need more. Others, not as much. But as long as we are coming to Him daily, it is always the perfect amount. Not too much. Not too little. That, my friends, is how our almighty God works.
He knows what you need.
He knows how much you need.
Will you go to Him as you find yourself in the desert and depleted?
Let Him fill you in a way that only He can!
It’s sometimes hard to take that first step of complete trust and reliance on Him.
But my friend, when you begin to see the amazing ways He rains down manna in your life, you will come not only to trust Him...but excited to see exactly how and when the manna comes!
And you start to recognize that just maybe the desert IS a place of plenty....
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